Introduction to the process of sludge composting project

Date: Dec. 10, 2021

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Date: Dec. 10, 2021 Chat Line Send Inquiry

Qingdao’s first sludge composting project will start construction this week in the Loushan River Sewage Treatment Plant. The project is expected to be put into operation in July next year, and the treated sludge will become fertilizer for landscaping.

The project covers a total area of ​​30,000 square meters, and newly built 1 comprehensive biological fermentation workshop (including material receiving and mixing workshop, biological fermentation workshop, screening workshop), 1 auxiliary material stacking workshop and finished product stacking workshop, and 1 biological deodorizing filter , 1 transformer and distribution room, with a total construction area of ​​18,300 square meters. After completion, the sludge treatment capacity will be 300 tons per day (with a water content of 76%), turning sludge into treasure, effectively solving the dilemma of “sludge siege”. According to reports, the sludge contains a large amount of heavy metals and pathogenic bacteria and other harmful substances, which pollutes groundwater and soil very seriously, and also has a bad impact on the surrounding environment. The organic matter in the sludge after sludge composting is degraded into relatively stable humus-like substances, cellular substances, water and carbon dioxide under the action of thermophilic microorganisms. The processed product can be used for landscaping, land improvement or landfill cover soil. The project is expected to be completed in March next year and is scheduled to be put into operation in July next year.

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