Tips for solve the blockage of the dewatering screen

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Screen blocking is one of the more common failures in the operation process of vibrating screens. Screen blocking is formed by a variety of factors, including the shape of the stone, the large amount of flake particles, the shape of the mesh, and the screening. The material has high water content, the shape of the mesh, etc.

The shape of the stone
The shape of the stone In the crushed stone production line, the content of the needle-like stone should be as low as possible to prevent the occurrence of blockage of the screen. Generally, the quarry adopts secondary crushing, and the jaw crusher is used for the second time. Its crushing principle is squeezing and crushing, which is easy to produce flake stone. The impact crusher is used for the second time. Its crushing principle is impact crushing. If the size of the stone crushed by the jaw crusher is too small, more flakes will be produced. In order to reduce the ratio of needle flakes, the size of the secondary crushing should not be too small.

There are more flake particles
There are more flake particles. Due to the crushing or the stone itself, there are many flake materials in the stone material, and the flake materials themselves cannot be smoothly sieved during the screening. At the same time, the flake materials are intertwined into a net shape, which hinders other materials from sieving and blocking holes. When the particle size is large and the proportion is large, the crushing process must be carried out, and then sieving. The selection of the vibrating screen screen should refer to the characteristics of the sieving material.How many mesh critical particles
Contains a large number of critical material particles close to the separation point. That is to say, the particle size of the crushed stone is critical to the mesh size of the screen. In the screening process of the stone, such particles are stuck in the mesh and cannot pass through the sieve smoothly. This is called critical hole blocking. We can change the screen The form of mesh structure to achieve the effect of anti-blocking holes.

The thickness of the screen wire
The combination of vibrating screen mesh mesh and steel wire diameter has proved that for the same mesh, too thick steel wire will cause a significant increase in the probability of plugging.

The shape of the mesh
The shape of the mesh screen generally uses square holes, and small meshes use anti-blocking holes. If the holes are really blocked, rectangular holes can also be used without affecting the particle size of the stone. However, considering the life cycle, the mesh direction must be paid attention to, otherwise it will affect the life cycle of the screen.

Light specific gravity / static electricity, light specific gravity
When the screened material has a light specific gravity and high electrostatic characteristics, it is easy to clump during the screening process and adsorb on the vibrating screen surface, causing the screen to block the holes.

The ground wire can be connected to the screen of the screening equipment to lead out the current, so that the current can be exported to the earth as much as possible, which will reduce the harm of static electricity.

High water content of screened material
The screened material has high water content and contains viscous substances such as mud and sand. Because there is a lot of mud in the stone, or when the stone requires water washing, the fine-grained stone will stick to each other into agglomerates due to the intervention of water on the one hand, and the soil will stick to the screen surface on the other hand, making it difficult to screen the material and causing the hole to be blocked.

When the screening is finer, moisture content, more muddy, whether the material is bonded, and the moisture content is greater than 5%, the screening material needs to be dried and dewatered for screening. If the moisture content is greater than 8%, wet type Screening method.

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